Can you feel it in the air? That unmistakable buzz of excitement and anticipation? Yes, you guessed it—festival season is nearly upon us once again! It’s that special time of year when we get to hit the road for an unforgettable journey through the many festivals and gigs you may be playing. Dust off those amps, polish those guitars, and get ready to hit the stage because festival season is calling. 

So let’s review your equipment checklist. Are you prepared for a spring and summer full of shows? Is your gear protected, are you cables coiled and tested, have you got the plugs you need to protect your hearing? Have you got enough mic stands and somewhere to store them? Let us help you get festival ready. 

Flight Cases

We understand that life on the road isn’t easy for your gear, so it is essential to make sure your equipment is protected. To focus on what’s important, your performance.  You need to protect your gear come rain or shine, no matter what the weather throws at you. IP67 rated flight cases ensure any liquids, mud and sand does not make it into your gear (video here). We think you will need these: 

Fortis Laptop Hard Travel Case IP67 by Trojan Pro – £79


Fortis Hard Travel Case IP67 by Trojan Pro 545 x 345 x 225mm – £149



If you find yourself transporting more gear than you can move with something like a trolley, maybe you’re having to lug around hefty PA systems, sizable mixers, large monitors, or an array of instruments, then this is where reliability becomes even more paramount. It’s not just about having equipment that works; it’s about having gear that can withstand the rigors of the road and still performs flawlessly when the moment arrives. That is why we think you will need this: 

7-Drawer Heavy-Duty Wheeled Roadie Flight Case by Trojan Pro – £299





When you step on stage, you may want to consider IEMs (in-ear-monitors) to not only control on stage volume but ensure that you get the best quality sound, we are big fans of ACS. However, at festivals, the gargantuan sound systems will start to take their toll on your hearing. That is why it’s just as important to protect your hearing off stage, ensuring that you can continue to perform doing what you love for years to come. We think you will need this:

Studiospares Pacato 16 Hearing Protection by ACS Custom – £19.99


Load-ins are dreadful at the best of times, but at festivals they can be hellish. Carting amps, guitars and other gear across muddy fields, uneven ground, and let’s face it, it will probably be raining too. The last thing you want is to be knackered by the time you arrive. We think you will need this:  

Trojan Pro GearCart 250 Trolley – £159




Gig Bags

When you are on the road travelling from one gig to the next or embarking onto the next festival it’s all too easy for things to go missing. From essentials like XLR cables and unbalanced cables to those cherished picks, pedals and even mic stands amd short mic stands. By keeping everything in one designated place and meticulously organising your cables and other gear, you not only safeguard your gear against loss but also streamline your setup. We think you will need these: 

Cable Gig Bag 50 Grey by Trojan Pro – £59


Mic Stand Gig Bag by Trojan Pro – £39










Mic stand Gig bag with stands – £159












But perhaps most crucially, having reliable equipment means you can focus entirely on your performance without 

any nagging worries about gear malfunctions or technical mishaps. When you step onto that stage, your mind should be free to immerse itself in your music, to connect with your audience, and to deliver a performance that leaves a lasting impression. With gear you can rely on, you can channel all your energy into creating magical moments, knowing that your equipment has your back every step of the way. Whether you are playing Glastonbury, a local festival or just in your back garden we have you covered. The only thing left to do is let the music take centre stage.

For more information visit our website or contact us at and on 020 8208 9930.